Friday, October 31, 2014

Supplemental Security Income Program (SSI)

Supplemental Security Income is a program that was created in 1974 to help blind, aged and disabled people meet basic needs for food, clothing and shelter. The program provides income support to persons aged 65 or older, blind or disabled adults, and blind or disabled children. SSI benefit rate for an individual living in his or her own household and with no other countable income is $698 monthly; for a couple (with both husband and wife eligible), the SSI benefit rate is $1,048 monthly. Under SSI each eligible person is provided a monthly cash payment based on a statutory federal benefit rate. If an individual or couple is living in another person household and is receiving both food and shelter from the person in whose household they are living, the federal benefit rate is reduced by one-third. This is done instead of determining the actual dollar value of the in-kind support and maintenance. The very program that is supposed to be people’s safety net is actually the source of the problem, experts say. S.S.I. traps many disabled people by limiting their income to levels just above the poverty line, and taking away their cash benefits if they achieve any level of security. Some individuals might not be fully disabled and have the ability to work to earn income but every extra penny earned will be counted against their SSI benefits and will result in the benefit’s reduction. The problems stem from the Social Security Administration’s failure was to structure a program that motivates work. In cases where a disabled is being punished for receiving income that disqualified him or her from the SSI benefits or results in SSI income reduction will only discourage the individual to become inactive and not willing to work and end up fully depending on SSI income. It is relatively easy to accept cash benefits but very hard to get into the workplace. I disagree with such a discouraging system that has a long history of benefits. There needs to be solutions found to distance people from being lazy and fully depending on benefits or easy money from such programs. TheU.S. needs to be considerate of all kinds of health issues and disabilities and must assign every ill individual to a suitable job place in according to his or her disability. People must work to live and cannotdepend on other sources to receive monthly income because that money is being deducted from actively working individuals who are forced to pay taxes to be spent on such cases which I find to be unfair for many hard working individuals who either hold a college degree or just a high school graduate.I strongly suggest a work-first approach that would help people get job training or employment before they go through the process of getting on S.S.I. Now people must go through the lengthy process of proving that they cannot work before they are given access to job training and other programs.

Friday, October 17, 2014

Group of Muslims Do Not Make All Muslims Bad

On Friday, October 17, 2014, AMERICAblog published an article titled "On Islam, Liberals Actually Agree on what’s Important". The author Jon Green is trying to send a message to those who see the religion of Islam as it being a religion of injustice and lacks on giving its followers the freedom. He is facing a difficulty in accommodating the religion of Islam, in which it creating a mafia such as the Islamic State (ISIS) and promoting terrorism, violence, human massacres, and disapproving of human rights and freedom. He sees Islam and “differently different” and that all Muslims are violent and oppressive. He is basing his beliefs and judgments on a Maher’s HBO talk show debate where most opinions narrowed down towards the Islamic religion as being non-liberal where even the actor Ben Affleck, who was a guest speakers on the show, pointed out that TV host Bill Maher and author Sam Harris were “stereotyping, racist, and gross” on their depiction of the entire religion of being responsible for all of the terrorist acts. The author’s argument is that Islam has a ridiculous violence and insanity that its text shares with numerous other holy books and such a religion has yet to have a liberalizing reformation. He claims that when holy books are taken too seriously they grant legitimacy to those who are already primed for violence and oppression. His logic tells him that “Islam is no monolith and its people exhibit the same nuances and complexities as everyone else — complexities that usually provide more explanatory power than religion alone when we look at violent social movements.” I’m going to have to disagree with the author’s opinion due to his ignorance. Islam is not limited to ISIS. I can see why the author sees Islam as a cruel religion (due to what is being shared on the media) but that should not be the end point where he makes judgments when he lacks an enormous amount of information concerning one of the largest religions to be. If anything, Islam is oppressed and is in a stage of misuse by ignorant, non-educated, drugged, sick bastards that have no mercy whatsoever on any human being. The author needed to do more research and go into depth to be able to differentiate between the book and its reader. ISIS is misinterpreting the text in the holly Quran; in fact, they are falsifying the text and rewording it. They deceive the poverty and the ignorant by attracting them with money and paradise through Islam.

Thursday, October 16, 2014

The Secret of the Chemical Weapons !!!

On OCT. 15, 2014, New York Times published an article on the opinion pages written by The Editorial Board A Deadly Legacy in Iraq” in which they showing an investigation exposes shocking failings by the Pentagon that allowed highly dangerous chemical weapons to be left behind in Iraq. WAIT WHAT???
This investigation exposes shocking failings by the Pentagon, among them a callous disregard for the safety and care of American and Iraqi troops and a disturbing pattern of secrecy that can only erode public confidence in government. I definitely agree with them on that. The Iraq warhas cost us $1.7 trillion with an additional $490 billion in benefits owed to war veterans. And total of 4,486 U.S. soldiers were killed in Iraq between 2003 and 2012 for the reason of the chemical weapons and our pentagon allowed highly dangerous chemical weapons to be left behind!!
 Also the investigation show that our troops kept stumbling over these weapons, the discoveries were not shared publicly, and even in the military and Congress there were very few people who knew about them. Troops who came into contact with chemical weapons were told to keep the information secret. The result was to expose everyone else — soldiers and doctors — to further risk. Why they want to keep it secret.  And some troops did not receive proper medical care or official recognition of their injuries in the form of medals .that is unacceptable, and the Pentagon said that Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel had not ordered a review of the health cases of individual soldiers detailed by The Times. So the questions where is President Obama's concern for these veterans health and welfare, and why has he not ordered Hagel to investigate and ensure proper medical care is provided?
 And our government task now to keep a close watch on the ISIS-held areas where chemical weapons were found and be prepared to take preventive action. American officials have downplayed the possibility that ISIS but could use any existing chemical stocks but two arms control experts, Joseph Cirincione and Paul Walker, suggest in an article for Defense One, a national security Internet site, that ISIS may have already used chemical weapons to kill three Kurds in Kobani, Syria. And the Pentagon apparently lost interest in the chemical weapons problem, left it to the Iraqis and the Iraqis have failed to do so.

Its Incomprehensible to me how's our government work if we go back three decades ago our government delivered to the Saddam regime the chemical weapons to support Iraq war with Iran, and we went to Iraq in 2003 to destroyed but we lift some for ISIS on a gold plate to kill more people definitely agree with NY Time that risk to civilians and the armies trying to fight a new enemy in Iraq with same chemical weapons. As US Citizen and veteran my right to know why our government didn't say anything about it ?